Dunn Crash Photos

Dunn Crash Photos

A diplomatic vehicle driving on the wrong side of the road was filmed nearly hitting a car close to where Harry Dunn died after being run over.

The 19-year-old motorcyclist was killed in a head-on collision with a car on August 27 last year near RAF Croughton in Northamptonshire.

Anne Sacoolas, 42, the wife of a US intelligence official, is believed to have been driving on the wrong side of the road and was charged with causing death by dangerous driving.

But she claimed diplomatic immunity after the collision, fled to her home country and has refused to return to face justice despite pleas from the Dunn family.

They are hoping Sacoolas will be extradited back to the UK after a request was made.

Harry Dunn died after being hit while he was riding his motorcycle (Picture: PA)

Harry Dunn died after being hit while he was riding his motorcycle (Picture: PA)

Police are investigating the new dash camera footage after the incident on a country road was reported on Saturday.

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The video showed a truck having to brake sharply after noticing a BMW was heading towards it.

The BMW has what appears to be one of the registration numbers used on US government vehicles in the UK.

Northamptonshire Chief Constable Nick Adderley has demanded an urgent meeting with the commander of the US base.

In a statement, he said: "I do not underestimate how much of a concerning incident this was and how much worse it could have been, especially considering the circumstances in which 19-year-old Harry Dunn tragically died."

Anne Sacoolas, 42, has been charged with causing death by dangerous driving (Picture: Facebook)

Anne Sacoolas, 42, has been charged with causing death by dangerous driving (Picture: Facebook)

The chief constable added: "This is compounded by the fact that yesterday, myself and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold were made aware of another incident in Northampton in which a police vehicle was struck in early October by a vehicle also driving on the wrong side of the road. Thankfully there were no injuries.

"I want to be absolutely clear on the fact that these incidents just cannot keep happening.

"We know all too well in the case of young Harry just how devastating they can be.

"Therefore the PFCC and I have requested an urgent meeting with the base commander at RAF Croughton to discuss safety on the roads around the base and I expect this meeting to take place next week."

The footage emerged as police revealed details of a separate incident in which a police vehicle was struck by a car being driven on the wrong side of the road in October.

Charlotte Charles, mother of Harry Dunn, who died after his motorbike was involved in an August 2019 accident in Britain with Anne Sacoolas, wife of an American diplomat, speaks at a news conference as she is joined by husband Bruce Charles, left, stepfather of Dunn, Monday, Oct. 14, 2019, in New York. The family is seeking answers after Sacoolas returned to the United States after being granted diplomatic immunity following the crash. (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

Charlotte Charles, mother of Harry Dunn, joined by husband Bruce Charles, left, stepfather of Dunn (Picture: AP)

Before reports of the latest incident surfaced, Business Secretary Andrea Leadsom, the constituency MP for Mr Dunn's family, wrote to the commander of the base to ask for an invitation to visit.


Boris Johnson has no wish or intention to meet with us, say Harry Dunn's family

Harry Dunn crash suspect Anne Sacoolas filmed behind the wheel in the US

Harry Dunn: police demand urgent road safety meeting with US base commander

Mr Dunn's mother Charlotte Charles and father Tim Dunn are looking for assurances that safety measures are in place to make sure there are no similar incidents in the future.

They have accused the Prime Minister of having "no wish or intention" to meet them to discuss their son's death.

Dunn family spokesman Radd Seiger said the new footage "sent shivers down his spine".

He added "enough was enough" and the UK Government to take immediate action to ensure the safety of their citizens living in and around army bases.

The US State Department has said a UK extradition request for Sacoolas is highly inappropriate and would be an abuse.

Dunn Crash Photos

Source: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/harry-dunn-anne-sacoolas-raf-croughton-us-diplomat-162430332.html

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